A Study of the Bias from Inverse Poisson-Variance Weighting
F. Masci, 4 February 2008
We have simulated the bias from inverse-variance
weighted averaging of purely Poisson distributed measurements where
the variances σ2i are derived from
the measurements xi,
i.e., σ2i = xi.
Results are summarized in Tables 1 & 2 for different
sigma limits and whether the confidence interval (total probability)
about the assumed mean is symmetric or asymmetric.
The measurements may represent the number of photo-electrons
recorded at a pixel in an imaging detector. It's important to
note that the biases computed below are for pure Poisson
fluctuations. Other contributions to the measurement
variance such as detector read-noise, which is likely to be
independent and Gaussian in nature, will dilute the
bias from inverse Poisson-variance weighting.
Furthermore, artificial pixel responsivity variations
must be corrected before computing any inverse-variance
weighted average using Poisson derived variances.
Case 1: Asymmetric Confidence Intervals about the Mean
Table 1 summarizes results for the bias in the inverse Poisson-variance weighted
average with the confidence interval (integrated probability) kept asymmetric
about the mean μ (truth).
This is due to the non-zero skewness in the Poisson distribution where the skew
scales as μ-1/2.
This case may be encountered
when one blindly uses the same number of standard
deviations about the mean for retaining data after outlier rejection,
i.e., within μ ± nσ, where
σ = μ1/2 for Poisson-distributed data.
This ignores the possibility
that the underlying distribution of the
population is asymmetric, e.g., as in the Poisson regime.
We have simulated this scenario by randomly drawing 10,000,000 samples
from a Poisson distribution with assumed mean μ (column 1) and
then retaining only values xi within
μ ± 2σ and μ ± 3σ.
These values were then combined to compute an inverse Poisson-variance weighted
average (column 2):
Weighted Avg = ∑i(xi/σ2i) / ∑i(1/σ2i) = ∑i(xi/xi) / ∑i(1/xi) = Ns / ∑i(1/xi),
where Ns = sample size.
The bias in the weighted average (column 3)
is measured relative to the true mean μ:
Bias (%) = 100 * (Weighted Avg - μ) / μ.
μ (truth) | Weighted Avg | Bias (%) | n in ±nσ
10 8.963957 -10.360428 2.000
30 29.074249 -3.085837 2.000
50 49.045239 -1.909521 2.000
100 99.056126 -0.943874 2.000
300 299.076390 -0.307870 2.000
500 499.070494 -0.185901 2.000
1000 999.063474 -0.093653 2.000
3000 2999.059874 -0.031338 2.000
5000 4999.058573 -0.018829 2.000
10000 9999.108676 -0.008913 2.000
15000 14999.109218 -0.005939 2.000
20000 19999.021523 -0.004892 2.000
30000 29999.093535 -0.003022 2.000
10 8.830797 -11.692025 3.000
30 28.948477 -3.505076 3.000
50 48.964837 -2.070327 3.000
100 98.973086 -1.026914 3.000
300 298.990371 -0.336543 3.000
500 498.981064 -0.203787 3.000
1000 998.997981 -0.100202 3.000
3000 2998.983203 -0.033893 3.000
5000 4998.994062 -0.020119 3.000
10000 9998.955520 -0.010445 3.000
15000 14998.989938 -0.006734 3.000
20000 19999.000118 -0.004999 3.000
30000 29999.022856 -0.003257 3.000
Table 1 - Results for bias in inverse-variance weighted
average assuming asymmetric (unbalanced)
confidence intervals about the mean.
Case 2: Symmetric Confidence Intervals about the Mean
Table 2 summarizes results for the bias in the inverse Poisson-variance
average with the confidence interval (integrated probability) made symmetric
about the mean (truth).
This is done by first fixing an
upper threshold nU, then finding the lower
threshold nL such that:
Prob[ μ - nLσ < xi < μ ] = Prob[ μ < xi < μ + nUσ ].
10,000,000 random draws were initially made. Then only those values
xi within the new interval
μ - nLσ to μ + nUσ
were used for the weighted averaging (column 2).
All other columns are the same as defined for Table 1 above.
μ (truth) | Weighted Avg | Bias (%) | nL | nU
10 9.962058 -0.379419 0.949 2.000
30 30.165960 0.553199 1.095 2.000
50 50.132571 0.265143 1.273 2.000
100 100.198941 0.198941 1.400 2.000
300 300.255111 0.085037 1.559 2.000
500 500.158431 0.031686 1.655 2.000
1000 1000.203027 0.020303 1.739 2.000
3000 3000.253909 0.008464 1.826 2.000
5000 5000.205662 0.004113 1.867 2.000
10000 10000.167745 0.001677 1.910 2.000
15000 15000.138307 0.000922 1.919 2.000
20000 20000.289366 0.001447 1.923 2.000
30000 30000.361102 0.001204 1.940 2.000
10 10.083210 0.832102 0.949 3.000
30 30.101412 0.338040 1.278 3.000
50 50.127484 0.254967 1.414 3.000
100 100.137742 0.137742 1.600 3.000
300 300.190409 0.063470 1.848 3.000
500 500.334528 0.066906 1.923 3.000
1000 1000.379039 0.037904 2.055 3.000
3000 3000.423075 0.014102 2.264 3.000
5000 5000.400008 0.008000 2.362 3.000
10000 10000.478232 0.004782 2.460 3.000
15000 15000.419536 0.002797 2.523 3.000
20000 20000.534468 0.002672 2.560 3.000
30000 30000.448127 0.001494 2.610 3.000
Table 2 - Results for bias in inverse-variance weighted average
assuming symmetric (balanced) confidence intervals
about the mean.
Results for the bias in Tables 1 & 2 are graphed below.
Note, the Log10[ < N > ] on the horizontal axes
is the same as Log10[μ] with μ from
column 1 of the above tables.
Figure 1 - Bias (in percent) as a function of assumed
input expectation value (mean count) for 2-sigma
fluctuations: asymmetric (blue)
and symmetric (red) confidence intervals.
Click to enlarge.
Figure 2 - Bias (in percent) as a function of assumed
input expectation value (mean count) for 3-sigma
fluctuations: asymmetric (blue)
and symmetric (red) confidence intervals.
Click to enlarge.
Conclusions and Discussion
- The results above show that the bias from inverse
Poisson-variance weighted averaging
is negative when the confidence interval (CI) is "blindly" kept
asymmetric about the mean. The magnitude of this bias increases
as the mean of the Poisson counts decrease and the distribution
becomes more asymmetric.
When the CI is made symmetric about the mean (e.g., by tuning
the respective lower and upper σ-clipping thresholds),
the biases become predominately positive, but their magnitudes
become smaller by at least a factor of 7 below a mean count
of 100. The asymmetric and symmetric bias estimates become
equal as the mean increases (e.g., Figures 1 & 2) since
here the distributions approach a Gaussian and the
asymmetry (or skew) is reduced.
- For typical mean backgrounds of 100 to 10,000 photo-electrons
per pixel per 8.8 sec exposure expected for WISE,
the asymmetric CI (or symmetric 3σ-clipped) assumption gives
biases of ~1% and ~0.01% respectively. The symmetric CI (or
asymmetric 3σ-clipped upper tail) assumption gives
biases of ~0.14% and ~0.005% for 100 and 1000 photo-electrons
respectively. Note that the 2σ-clipped biases are even smaller.
However, these photo-electron counts only pertain to the
background. A typical source with signal-to-noise ratio of ~20 per pixel
will correspond to an additional photo-electron count of ~700 electrons
per pixel per 8.8 sec in WISE bands 1 and 2. Note that a nominal
read-noise of 19 e-/pixel was included in this calculation.
The Poisson bias here is then expected to be <0.2%
under the worst possible case above: asymmetric CI with symmetric
3σ-clipping (Table 1). The bias for WISE bands 3 and 4 will
be minuscule since here the photo-electron counts will number in the
tens of thousands.
- If one is combining data at the raw count level with
mean counts below ~300 and is after
a photometric accuracy better than the biases quoted
for the asymmetric CI case in Table 1, it is
advised that the symmetric CI case (with smaller biases in Table 2)
be used. On the other hand, if one inadvertently keeps the
CI asymmetric by assuming symmetric nσ-clipping,
then a simple (unweighted)
arithmetic average of the measurements will give biases
smaller than those quoted in Table 1 but similar to
those quoted in Table 2 (symmetric CI case).
For example, for mean counts of ≥50, an arithmetic average will
be biased by <0.3% and <0.08% for measurements within 2σ and 3σ
respectively. However, there may
be good reasons why one will want to perform an inverse-variance
weighted average, e.g., the application of
instrumental calibrations will also contribute to the error budget.
Inverse-variance weighting provides a way to emphasize the good
over the bad.
- In the previous bullet point, we used the phrase "raw count level".
This is because the above simulations assume
one has a perfect detector: no read-noise and no instrumental
signatures to correct. If present, these will be corrected with
some degree of uncertainty and will therefore
inflate the final variances used for the optimal combination of
pixels in co-addition. Given that these are all likely to be
independent of the Poisson noise component, the
Poisson bias will no doubt be diluted. This is further
discussed in the last bullet point below.
Further Work / Refinements
- One of the caveats of using inverse-variance
weighted averaging when combining measurements is that
this method only applies to data that are
Gaussian distributed, or, that are far enough into the
Gaussian (large N) limit. It is not the most optimal
estimation method in the Poisson regime, or,
when the underlying distribution is far from Gaussian.
In general, optimal
combination of measurements
xi whose parent probability
density functions pi
are known (or assumed) a priori requires
first computing the
refined joint density function:
Pr(x | xi) = ∏ipi / ∫x∏ipidxi,
and then extracting the refined mean and variance.
It turns out that if all the pi are
Gaussian density functions, then the refined mean from
the above equation boils
down to the classic inverse-variance weighting formula.
This can also be achieved using maximum likelihood methods.
This procedure is rarely done in practice (let alone the
underlying parent distribution checked) since most people
(including myself - like above) have blindly
combined measurements using inverse-variance weighting
even when in the Poisson regime. It would be
interesting to see how the bias behaves under this more
optimal method as one approaches the Poisson limit.
- What is the true impact of this bias in a realistic (practical)
situation? The biases computed above are for pure Poisson
fluctuations. Other contributions to the measurement
variance such as detector read-noise will dilute these
biases. Read-noise is an
independent stochastic component and likely to be Gaussian
in nature. A nice exercise would be to first convolve a
Gaussian representative of read-noise with a Poisson
distribution and then simulate the bias.
Also, variances are further modified downstream by the
application of several calibrations: e.g., flat-fielding,
dark subtraction, non-linearity etc.
It is only after all these artificial effects have been
corrected (and variances updated accordingly) that the data
are ready to be
optimally combined for co-addition.
Will the biases reported above persist this far into the
instrumental calibration process?
I would confidentally say no unless one is
well into the Poisson regime with a mean count of
≤20 electrons.
However, if read-noise with say σ > 10 electrons
(variance > 100) is also present, then any such
Poisson bias will be substantially diluted.
The above simulations were generated using the S-Plus/R Code:
Last update - 4 February 2008
F. Masci - IPAC