Click here for all publications (refereed and non-refereed)
Selected first-authored publications:
- 2023. Frank J. Masci et al.,
A New Forced Photometry Service for the Zwicky Transient Facility.
e-print arXiv:2305.16279v4 [astro-ph.IM].
PDF (6.2 MB); arXiv abstract ; publication PDF.
- 2018. Frank J. Masci et al.,
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131, 995.
PDF (4.1 MB); publication link.
- 2016. Frank J. Masci et al.,
The IPAC Image Subtraction and Discovery Pipeline for the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 126, 941.
PDF (9.8 MB);
animation 1 (128 MB), animation 2 (144 MB); PTFIDE code (130 MB); publication link.
- 2014. Frank J. Masci, Douglas I. Hoffman, Carl J. Grillmair,
and Roc M. Cutri,
Automated Classification of Periodic Variable Stars detected by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. The Astronomical Journal, 148, 21.
PDF (3.2 MB); publication link.
- 2013. Frank J. Masci, ICORE: Image Co-addition with Optional
Resolution Enhancement, Algorithms and Software Usage.
Submitted only to astro-ph archive
PDF (9.6 MB)
- 2012. Frank J. Masci et al., Optimal Detection of Rare "sub-significant"
Events in the Time-Domain.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, in review.
PDF (1.4 MB)
- 2010. Frank J. Masci, Roc M. Cutri, Paul J. Francis, Brant O. Nelson, John P. Huchra, D. Heath Jones, Matthew Colless, and Will Saunders,
The Southern 2MASS AGN Survey: spectroscopic follow-up with 6dF.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 27 (3), 302.
PDF (1.5 MB)
- 2009. Masci, F. J., Fowler, J. W.,
AWAIC: A WISE Astronomical Image Co-adder,
Invited paper: in Proceedings of Astronomical Data Analysis Software
and Systems XVIII, Québec City, ASP Conference Series,
Vol. 411, 2009, p.67. Edited by D. Bohlender, P. Dowler, and D. Durand.
PDF (775 kB)
- 2006. Frank J. Masci, Fan Fang, Tracey Evans, David L. Shupe, Russ Laher,
Michael Rowan-Robinson, Tom Babbedge, Mattia Vaccari, Maria Polletta,
Sebastian Oliver, Kevin C. Xu, Ian Waddington, Eduardo Gonzalez-Solares,
Carol J. Lonsdale, Jason A. Surace, Deborah Padgett, Harding E. Smith.,
Large Scale Structure at 24 Microns from Counts-in-Cells in the SWIRE Survey.
The Astrophysical Journal. Not yet submitted; need to include analysis of new
data from all SWIRE fields.
PDF (3.6 MB)
- 2005. Masci, F. J. and the SWIRE Team,
Large Scale Structure at 24 Microns in the SWIRE Survey,
in Proceedings of Spitzer New Views of the Cosmos, Pasadena, California, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 357, 2005 L. Armus and W. T. Reach, eds.
PDF (112 kB)
- 2004. Masci, F.J., Makovoz, D., Moshir, M.,
A Robust Algorithm for the Pointing Refinement and Registration of Astronomical Images.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, 842.
PDF (770 kB)
- 2004. Masci, F. J., Laher, R., Fang, F., Fowler, J., Lee, W., Stolovy, S., Padgett, D., Moshir, M.,
Processing of 24 Micron Image Data at the Spitzer Science Center,
in Proceedings of Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV, Pasadena, California, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 347, 2005 P. L. Shopbell, M. C. Britton, and R. Ebert, eds., p.468
PDF (113 kB)
- 2002. Masci, F. J., Makovoz, D., Moshir, M., Shupe, D., Fowler, J.,
Pointing Refinement of SIRTF Images,
in Proceedings of Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII, Baltimore, Maryland, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 295, 2003 H. E. Payne, R. I. Jedrzejewski, and R. N. Hook, eds., p.391
PDF (111 kB)
- 2001. Masci, F.J., Condon, J.J., Barlow, T.A., Lonsdale, C.J.,
Xu, C., Shupe, D.L., Pevunova, O., Fang, F., Cutri, R.,
A New Complete Sample of Sub-millijansky Radio Sources: An Optical and
Near-Infrared Study.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 113, 10.
PDF (9.6 MB)
- 2001. Masci, F. J., Lonsdale, C. J., Carlberg, R. C.,
An Infrared View of Galactic Spheroid Formation,
in Astrophysical Ages and Time Scales, Hilo, Hawaii, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 245, 2001 T. von Hippel, N. Manset, C. Simpson, Nadine Manset. eds., p.448
PDF (98 kB)
- 1999. Masci, F. J., Drinkwater, M. J., Webster, R. L.,
Red Parkes Quasars: Evidence for Soft X-ray Absorption.
The Astrophysical Journal, 510, 703.
PDF (182 kB)
- 1999. Masci, F. J., Webster, R. L.,
Cosmological Obscuration by Galactic Dust: Effects of Dust Evolution.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 305, 937.
PDF (293 kB)
- 1998. Masci, F. J.,
Obscuration by Diffuse Cosmic Dust.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 15 (3), 299.
PDF (205 kB)
- 1998. Masci, F. J., Webster, R. L., Francis, P. J.,
Host Galaxy Contribution to the Colours of `Red' Quasars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 301, 975.
PDF (547 kB)
- 1997. Masci, F. J.,
Obscuration of Quasars by Dust and the Reddening Mechanism in Parkes-Quasars,
PhD Thesis, University of Melbourne. Referees: Dr Beverly Wills (University of Texas at Austin), Dr Raymond Norris (ATNF).
PDF (3.3 MB), Abstract
- 1996. Masci, F. J., Webster, R. L.,
"Red Blazars": Evidence Against a Synchrotron Origin,
in Proceedings of IAU Conf. 163: Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows,
ASP Conf. series 121, 764.
PDF (72 kB)
- 1995. Masci, F. J., Webster, R. L.,
Dust Obscuration in the Universe.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 12 (2), 146.
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